Thursday, August 19, 2010

MEN!!!!! I need advice ASAP!?

My wife joined some feminist group (NOW) and ever since she's been nothing but a raging ******!!!!

If I don't kiss her a/ss, she calls me a pathetic misogynist!

She freaks out over every little thing.

Nothing I do seems to be right.

We've been married 5 years and she does this to me?

What the F should I do?MEN!!!!! I need advice ASAP!?
Dude ,I hate to say it but I think you're screwed.

All you can do is straight up tell her ';It's me or NOW';

Divorce may be the best option.

One of you will have to stay in the house or you'll have to rent it out until the market strengthens up.

The big lesson here is ***Men Should Never Get Married***MEN!!!!! I need advice ASAP!?
I hate those comments....Happy wife happy life. Making my husband the happiest man alive makes me happy. and he does the same for me.

You need to have some serious talk time with your wife and tell her you respect her as a ';woman'; , but she needs to respect you as her husband.

The problem with these groups is they generalize every man as the same (a liar and a cheating dog) most of them are miserable hags who couldn't hold it together with a bucket of super glue.
Why don't you try talking to her rationally and having logical arguments with her? Point out what you see wrong with the organization and say that name calling is not a part of a logical argument.

I'm not a guy but hope I could help a little... :)
Kick her out of YOUR house. That seems to be the advice from women on here to other women for everything from a guy leaving the toilet seat up to malicious beatings every thursday night. So I say..... go equality!
The ';condition'; is permanent and she won't be taking your crap anymore. If you are unhappy then you should leave and go gay.

Troll question.
This did not happen. You constructed it completely from air biscuits to support your agenda.
Remember this..Happy wife..happy life
crush her

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