Thursday, August 19, 2010

Men and Women advice...?

Ok, I need some advice. My husband just recently switched careers after going back to college and everything. This has been a long time coming. He is a very private person and told me not to tell anyone right now. Well, I have told a few people because I have a lot of connections and when I tell people they always give me some really good information and I always go back and tell my husband. Yesterday, I told my neighbor and they gave me some good info and I told my husband and he got so mad! He said he has already told me not to tell anyone. I told him that the reason why I tell people is because I am proud of him and also I get good information with my connections so really I am doing him a service, right? I don't understand why he would be so mad. Can you shed some light on this?Men and Women advice...?
I see how you really want to help him and are proud of him, but I do believe you should be trustworthy towards your husbands wishes.Men and Women advice...?
Would you be mad if your husband was out dishing info on you after you told him not to? That's why he's mad, you have loose lips! He doesn't want your help because he feels the need to do for himself, so why not just let him do things his way?
I am so totally with your husband. There are so many reasons... it might upset some people where he is working, he might have some unwanted competition, it is plain embarassment to hear his career being discussed by aqaintances... he should be allowed to decide who he shares his plans with.... ...but you know, wives don't get this.
Some people just like privacy. They don't like to brag. It could be going good right now but what if something happens. By you telling everyone and if he fails, its going to be hard for him to deal with that. Remember the saying, ';Hear no evil, Speak no evil, and See no evil.'; Not that your doing any of those but it means keep private.
You could have convinced him before asking for a suggestion from your neighbor.That way you would have satisfied his criteria and at the same time you could have provided him more info. It is not too late between husband and wife. Try to convince him now.
you will never understand.. That's for sure.

He deserves better
You seem like a very wonderful and caring wife

HE, on the otherhand, seems to not appreciate you

The problem is HIM, not you

I suggest a long talk with him, or counseling...............
Sorry honey but you are in the wrong here, you went against your husbands wish and betrayed his trust by ';using your connections';. Sometimes men want to do things on their own and in their own time. I would be a little more cautious about respecting his wishes. What you did, even though you meant well, was disrespectful. He specifically asked you not to tell any one ';JUST YET';. I wonder why you needed the spotlight on you for his sake.
This is too long - to chaotic. Think about your question - ask a pointed question - nobody is interested in bla bla bla bla stories.

That shows a total lack of respect and interest in people who might start to read it.
Would you be okay if he did something that you asked him not to do? You violated his trust and he has a right to be mad no matter how good your intentions were.

Note to Veronica: If it was too long a question then why did you waste your time answering it?
its pride on his part, maybe he think by u getting a job for him, it make him weak
It's got nothing to do with whether or not you can help him out. Sometimes, people just want to their own thing in their own way without everyone having an opinion on it. It irritates the hell out of me when you say you're doing something, and someone else knows someone else who's doing it, has done it, can help me with it. I like to do my own thing my own way. Your husband is probably feels the same way and is mad because you're not giving him space to explore and enjoy his new career for himself - at least for a bit anyway!
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