Thursday, August 19, 2010

Men urgent health advice needed............?

i emit a whole lot of pre *** are there meds that i shud take ?

any names in canada?Men urgent health advice needed............?
Adeeb... Why do you need medication? You normal! Yes alot of us have a lot of lubrication or pre ejaculate. Good Luck Enjoy it! SteveMen urgent health advice needed............?
This is natural. I'm not sure of your habits, but normally if you pre*** a lot, it means that you don't masturbate often, therefore it builds up inside the seminal vesicle and leaks out when you actually do masturbate. If you want the amount to decrease, simply ejaculate more often.
What color is your pee?Do you have a good sodium(salt) intake?People with low salt intake usually pee more frequently since sodium retains water. If its a dark color maybe you should drink more water. Or maybe you drink TOO much water. We cant really tell you much unless your sick.
Me too. As long as it isn't cloudy or bloody, there isn't a problem. Honestly, my wife really likes that I have so much.

EDIT: There are meds that can be prescribed but they can cause impotence.
I don't think that is a big concern. I mean, it's not like it's blood, so it should be okay. It's just your body.
Its just a lube for worries.
that didnt make any sense

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