Sunday, August 22, 2010

I need advice from men and women on this.VERY serious issue..?

Hi everyone! I have a friend that is desperate for advice. She's 15. She's a gorgeous girl, and im not just saying that. She has liked this guy for quite a while! When we were younger he was like her dream guy lol :). Anyway, she met him one day she was walking down the street by his house. He introduced himself and was being a complete gentlemen. They set up a date to hang at the park. That day he let her know he was 20. I couldn't believe it! The guy looks like he's about 17 or 18. But yea, he's 20. She quickly told me about this, and is sad because he's such a great guy to her but the age difference is a problem. Although she said he was a sweet guy and she wants a relationship with him, she showed me some of the texts he sent her on her phone. A couple times already, he has brought up the ';sex'; subject. Things like ';i want you in bed';. She's worried that he just wants her for sex and NOT a relationship. What should i tell her?! I don't want to give her the wrong advice...I need advice from men and women on this.VERY serious issue..?
While some people here have expressed concerns based on the age of consent/statutory rape, I think that's sort of a cop out, as the age of consent varies greatly from one jurisdiction to the next. For instance, the consensual coupling of a 15 year old girl with a 20 year old man is completely legal in the states of Colorado, Missouri, and Kentucky, other things being equal. However, if your friend doesn't want to have sex, she doesn't want to have sex, and if this guy is making sex a prerequisite for a relationship, it should send up quite a few red flags. That's where the conversation about a relationship should end, regardless of his age and/or their age difference.I need advice from men and women on this.VERY serious issue..?
Have her watch a couple of episodes of Dateline: To Catch a Predator.
This guy is a complete creep! Isn't it obvious to your friend that all this guy really wants is some young ***. Not only is that really weird and scary, but it's illegal because I was told there's some law about a four year age limit for minors (I don't know if that's a fact, if I were you, ask somebody, I don't want to misinform you). Tell her that it wouldn't be worth taking any risks with this guy because it doesn't matter how nice this guy is to her, he's still creepy as hell and she needs to find someone that is more interested in a real relationship instead of sex. Even if she has liked this guy for a really long time, things can change drastically for the worst for her if anything gets really serious between them.
If he really likes her he will wait until she is ready .... But the truth of the matter of it that sex is all most guys that age (and some beyond) really want anyway .... He is not that special one if he pressures her at 15 and ignores the law ....
That girl Kristine gave you a good advice. A guy at 20 is just horny
Go with Kristine!! There are a lot of times you can ignore the age factor in a relationship but generally when the younger of the 2 are 30 or older. There are to many things wrong with this besides the fact that it is illegal. A good friend woul distract her as much as possible to remove him from the equation. Set up with other people, even if they are not successful it will take her mind off of the adult, tax paying, car driving, rent paying(?) other half!! I think you get my point, there is a 99.999999 % chance that his intentions are not the same as hers and as a friend you should help her forget about it and move on!!
Of course he just wants SEX... What else would a 20 year old MAN want with a 15 year old GIRL? Remind him also if the parent's or anyone else is not happy with this and reports him his a** could go to jail for messing with her.
She has to stay miles away from this guy! She's only 15. He's asking for sex and it is illegal - he could go to jail for it but he doesn't hesitate to come on strong. He's a perv in that sense - and she should tell him that the age difference makes her jail bait to him (as if he doesn't already know that!) What a creepy guy. You say she's liked him for quite awhile. Well, that was without knowing him. Now that she knows what a perv he is, what's her need for advice? She knows what to do - cut this cretin perv loose!
She should absolutely stay away from him. I ask her to think about why a 20 year old man would want to be with a kid. Who says he would't have sex with a 10 or 12 year old. Tell her to think how sick that is. If she doesn't stay away from him you need to tell her mother or even tell your mother and she can contact her mom. But absolutely tell , she may get mad at you but wouldn't you rather her be mad at you then injured or worse.
First of all stachatory rape is a very serious crime. She is too young to understand and handle the responsibilities of a sexual relationship no matter how old or mature she may seem. The fact that he would even talk about having her in bed at the age of 15 is proof enough that he is a pervert. She may be gorgeous, hell she may look like a model but that's besides the point. Give her a couple of years to look back on this and I guarantee you that you will both understand.
if he knows she is 15 there is no relationship there. Guys dont see teenagers fro relationships, they want easy sex. He'll tell her anything she wants to hear to get it. Good luck
If u care about your friend u would tell her to stay away from him, not necessarily cuz he's dangerous but b/c theyre both at REALLY different points in their life. she needs to go out with someone closer to her age. that and the fact that their relationship is a little bit illegal until shes 18,
you need to tell her to avoid him. a great guy will not even think of sex with a minor. there is trouble brewing. get help and stay away from him! what if she tells him no and he takes it anyway. that is what happened to me. please do not hide this from parents... it can get really bad!!! please. do not let this happen to her. please... please...

you may contact me if you wish.

but do not let this go on. i can tell you care about her safety. do not let this go on.
If she knows that she doesn't want to have sex at 15, then he needs to be aware of that. My grandparents are 5 years apart, and yes usually all guys want is sex. But my grandparents have been together since high school and they are married, had to kids, and will be together their whole lives. But this girl has got to be careful. Maybe, she should just wait until she is 20 and he is 25 because the age doesn't seem as far away as 15 and 20. A guy at 20, no matter how nice he is, will want a girl for sex when shes 15, unless he is a total Christian because then he will not have sex before marriage, like me. But she just really has got to get to know him.
And shes only 15?! That's statutory rape, and illegal. Not to mention weird and wrong. And shes thinking of having sex at 15?! Sheesh kids are always trying to grow up to fast. Her ';dream man'; is not a 20 year old man who is going to wait around for her to get older. What sort of pathetic 20 year old would need to date a 15 year old?
Try to tell her sex and relationships go together but for a young man his age sex is disproportionally more important than a relationship.She should not give in right away and if he wont see her anymore because of that , so be it he only wanted her for that.
You are right to be worried. This guy is not at all shy about telling her his intentions. Tell her not to meet up with him and drop him like a hot potato before she gets more than she bargained for.
just be a good friend to her. let her realize her worth.

if someone knows they are worthy, rarely they will fall for people who will lead them towards compromising situations. tell her to wait because her worth is based not on sex but her mind and heart. and if the guy who is 20 for gods sake...cannot understand that then he is not as great as she thinks he is.
i dont think she should be seing him anymore...
It sounds like he's after sex--why else would he have already brought it up several times?She needs to tell him that's she's not having sex until she's alot older.She'll be able to tell from how fast he disappears what his reaction is!
if she doesnt want sex than she shouldnt do it. it would make her feel like she needed to have sex with this guy just so he would love her. she would feel disgusted with herself. which i know u dont want her to feel that way. and its also illegal to have sex with a minor if your 18 or older. dont let her do it. my opinion is that if se said no to him he would rape her. please please dont let her do it. hes is so not worth it. all he wants is sex
Lose him like yesterday's newpaper!

Creep, what freaking 20 yo raids the local high school?
Come on, I think we all know the answer to this buddy. She's 15 yrs. old and emotions come and go. It's not good to be lead by your emotions. He already put out there what he wanted from the girl, so she should leave him alone. If he is a great guy, he's not going to come across with sex from the beginning, furthermore if she doesn't want to take it there with him, she needs to make that know to him, instead of playing with it, stand up for yourself and stop worrying about you hurting his feelings. Take care of yourself first. Speak up!
Ok for one i know a lot of girls this has happened to. Also i know a lot of guys that are twenty and the majority of them are only wanting to get into bed with the younger girl. With this guy it sounds like he is doing the same thing. The texts give it away. But also its the fact that he is all nice and a gentleman. I used to know this guy that would be all nice and respectful to younger girls so that they would think he is not just out for sex... but he was and after they slept together he left her. So i would tell your friend not to take the risk. Also give her as much support as you can to make her feel better.
If the guy is making her feel uncomfortable, she shouldn't be seeing him anymore. Even if he is a sweet guy he may not be when he pressures her into doing something she doesn't want to do. I think she should end things quickly before it becomes more of an issue. I hope this helps!
he just wants 2 get in her pants, sugar, and u would b doin her a big favor 2 clue her's probably illegal 4 them 2 have sex as well, not 2 mention the fact that she's probably not emotionally ready anyway...
tell your friend that she should stay away from him.because if he is bringing up that subject to her.then thats what he is looking for.he is too old for her anyway. if he was true to her he would respect her more by not pressuring her into it. my oppinion is that he is looking to her for a sexual relationship and isnt respecting her for herself. if he were in it for a relationship, i dont think he would bring it up like he was pressuring her.
Stay away from him, he's bad news, does he know how old she is? I get so tired of these older guys taking advantage of young girls.

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