Thursday, August 19, 2010

I don't know what to do! Advice Please? (Men and women)?

I just don't know what to do about my marriage anymore. My husband and I were PERFECT before we got married, and everyone else said so but when we got married and had our son, it all changed. He stopped talking to me, he tells me everything I'm interested in, ';Only an idiot would care about'; or something similar, he quit sleeping with me.. now we got months at a time and nothing but a little kiss, usually on the forehead, before he leaves for work.. all of this started just months after our baby was born so, upon the advice of my best friend, I stopped cooking for him, washing his clothes, packing his lunches, laying out his clothes.. everything. I stopped doing everything for him, which is what he did for me (besides working, but I see it this way- his job is his work, my job is caring for our baby.. we're even. Everything else I will resume as soon as I start to get some respect again) This is what I told him the other day when he started yelling at me and I asked him to please be an adult and not yell at me in front of our son and he slammed the laptop on my hand and smashed my pinky so as a reaction I knocked it off my lap and he went crazy! He raised up his foot (He was half sitting/laying on the couch) and slammed it down/kicked me in the top of my thigh as hard as he could. I didn't react and just told him to please not act like that which made him madder so he sat up and grabbed my left wrist and twisted it as hard as he could. All of this after he had already told me how fat I am and how I can't even sit in a normal chair (which is ridiculous, I absolutely can). IDK, I'm sick of it. He's hit me lots of times. ONce he threw a brand new can of whipped cream at me and hit me in the back of the head. We're supposed to close on some land/a house in five days but I'm thinking of staying here b/c I can't handle it anymore and he just says that he'll take our son with him (he's 2). He's in college and I'm not yet, so he says that no court will give me custody when I have ';no education and no job'; Is that true? I'm just lost and really don't know what to do!I don't know what to do! Advice Please? (Men and women)?
Set up a hidden camera in your home and just wait. When he flies into a rage and hits you or becomes violent again make sure you get it on tape. Then during the custody battle present it as evidence. No court in a million years will ever give him custody.

Besides, he's lying in the first place. Education or no, courts usually favor the woman.I don't know what to do! Advice Please? (Men and women)?
You are a victim of domestic abuse. Get out. Now. Don't put your son through that.

Take pictures of any injuries he inflicts on you or your son. Date them. Document any other destructive activities he does.
No the courts will give you custody if your spouse is violent towards you. The next time he puts his hands on you, you need to call the police and press charges.

Domestic violence cannot be tolerated!!!
First, it would be foolish to give advice for this problem based on a one-sided story.

See a marriage counselor (christian) or see a lawyer.
Take pictures of injury's he gives you.Than file for separation and custody the courts will not give an abuser a child you will win
You should proceed immediately to a women's shelter and get help. Take pictures for proof of abuse. Each of you go seek counseling.
1)get a divorce

2)call police, he can't out his hands on you

3)they will give you the baby, because, either he will be in jail or because you are the mom
Honey... get outta there. Take your baby and leave. Can you stay with your mom or something? This sounds like it will only get worse.
Find a new friend and treat you husband the way you would like to be treated.
Toooooo Looooooog

that's what she said
You should not allow anyone to hit you. You need to stand up for your right to feel safe in your own home. Also, most courts(from what I have heard) always favor the mother. However, I would first seek professional help. Divorce should only be a last resort.
Believe me that you as the mother have all the rights to the child. you should get away from this low-life scumbag. Any man who hits on women like that you don't want this worthless garbage around you and your kid. I say get away from him and don't worry about him getting custody, unless you are some kind of drug addict and even then you still have even more rights than you can think. I am a man and have been through the custody battles. Believe when I say the laws are there to help the woman in almost any situation as opposed to the men. Let him think that, I think he is just trying to scare you into staying. The truth is if what you are saying is true no court would ever take your kid from you and give it to the father. First things first is you need to get paperwork if you are serious. The law does see possession as 9/10 of the law. So if you really want to leave i suggest you fill out custody papers at you local courthouse and serve him those papers and he won't have anything he can do about it.
God said wives respect your husbands

God said husbands love your wives.

You take advice from men do you take any from the word of God?

Your son sees abuse mentally and physically. He will grow up to be just like he sees you do and his Father does. God will give you custody if you stop doing what you are doing.He loved you once and you have changed. You have gained weight and become different. He maybe shopping for another. You may sign for a house you may not live in.

It happens and often divorce is reality in this world. To add insult to injury you stopped loving him. You stopped caring because he stopped. Now you both act like children. Hitting and throwing things.Pitching and twisting things. Yelling and screaming.

What is love? 1 Corinthians 13. At this rate you will need a time of separation and then who can mend this marriage?

Ephesians 5.15-33. He who loves his wife loves himself.But wives must submit to their husbands as to the Lord.Being mean will not cut it.So who is even? You will loose if you keep this up. You need to get up and fall on your knees and ask God for forgiveness and ask him for it too. Act like a wife not a child. Cleaning and cooking takes energy and keep your mind focused. It also helps with weight gain.

Couple's Role = LEAVE (your home)

(Genesis 2:24)

Couple's Responsibility = CLEAVE (to each other) (1 Corinthians 7:2-3).

Wife's Role = HELP(ER) (your husband) (Genesis 2:18).

Wife's Responsibility = SUBMIT (to your husband) (Colosians 3:18).

Husband's Role = LEAD(ER) your wife (Ephesians 5:23).

Husband's Responsibility = LOVE (your wife) (Ephesians 5:23).
What you need to do is call the cops EVERY TIME he lay a hand on you. What you also need to do is the next time that he abuses you leave and go to the women's shelter, and stay there for at least a week. He tells you that you have no job and no education. The shelter will help you with your education GED or college,or employment. Call legal aid and get an atty. They will help you with any legal matters that you have. Cheap to nothing in getting a divorce, you file the divorce papers first. YOU have to establish your custodial rights, or he can take the baby and not give him back to you until the judge orders him to. DO NOT stay in that situation. Although I do not agree that you stop cooking, cleaning, etc. You are a wife, should you choose to stay in that house, in that situation then take it, and don't complain. Can't you go to your parents house,or a friends,when he gets violent? wish you the very best.
It's not true. File charges against him for the domestic violence, for the sake of your child if nothing else. Then file for a divorce.

There's a very, very slim chance he could change, but it's extremely unlikely unless his behaviour is the result of a mental illness that can be treated with medication.

Most courts default to maternal custody. If he has domestic violence charges against him, he's even less likely to get custody.
Take your son get out now. The violence will escalate. Statistics prove this. You and your son are in physical danger. The courts always lean toward the mother in child custody cases. Find a battered women's shelter.Call the cops. They can give you options and places for help. social services will help.
you both need marriage counseling

no you will not get your son with no way to support your self or him.

you both have issues that can be worked out if you both are willing to try

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