Monday, August 23, 2010

I need men and womens advice on the army...?

I'm an 18 year old female wanting to join the army. My mom is really worried of course because she knows there would be a great chance of me going to Iraq or over in that area and she said compared to the other branches the army is the least respected.

If any females reading this have been in the army please tell me what you did in the army and if you had any close calls while in Iraq or over in that area.

And males, please tell me if there were any females you worked with in the army and what they did and how they liked it.

Thanks, I'm trying to debate whether to do it or not and it's a big decision so I want to make sure I'm making the correct one.I need men and womens advice on the army...?
Consider the source of your information....does your mom have any military experience?

I worked in aviation. I have deployed one time. A few incidents did occur. Close calls with my own life, none. A few sniper rounds shot will on guard duty. My platoon sergeant was killed on a convoy. A couple of pilots died in accidents.

I was the squad leader over 10 male soldiers. I earned their respect through hard work and not pulling the I'm female card. I never asked them to do anything I would not do myself. That included burning our crap.

Do some research and look at all your options. Just keep in mind if you are worried you might die over there you can just has easily die in an accident over here.

EDIT: Not anyone can get into the Army give me a break. You are 18 be an adult.

Just curious why do you want to join? Let me guess college money?I need men and womens advice on the army...?
According to your mother she says the Army is less respected than the other branches. Where did she get her information? Is she an Army Veteran? Does she work with people who are veterans of all services and they have given her verifiable evidence of this? You're 18 and legally an adult. You can join which ever branch of the military you so desire without your mothers consent.

I worked with many females during my time in the Army, enlisted and officer both and from all branches. I remember them being hard working and efficient at what they did. There were times that they start b!tchin' about something but hell, who doesn't. And contrary to popular belief, all the women in the military are not fat ugly dykes.
4% of the women ever get to experience combat and/or die. And what the heck? ';Least respected';. That's Bull ****
From 1965 - 1973 9,000,000 men and women served in uniform.

2,600,000 set foot in Viet Nam.

1,700,000 were drafted.

650,000 of them went to Viet Nam

43,000 went to the Marines

There are currently close to 60,000 names on The Wall. that is 2.3% of those that set foot there.

About 1,500,000 have deployed to Iraq or Afghanistan.

The list of KIA is around 4700. That is .31% as in 1/3 of 1 %.

That's for Mom!

I will leave the rest to some young ladies that have been there.

SSG US Army 73-82
Check out Army's website and see what kind of careers are available to women.

As far as what it's like in a war zone - just b/c women aren't allowed in ';combat'; doesn't mean you wont see combat or have close calls. I'm a Navy LT who served 15months in Iraq and worked side by side w/ my Army brothers and sisters in arms. You could be driving trucks or find yourself on daily convoys. Anytime you go outside the wire and come back is considered a brush with death b/c you never know what could have happened. Not to mention many of the outposts and bases, where you could be located, are being attacked with either indirect fire (IDF) or insurgents trying to overrun the outpost. I had several close calls while there, but I came back in one piece and I would go back again (Iraq or Afghanistan) in a heartbeat. It's the most rewarding experience I've had while in the military. It takes a special type of person to willingly place themselves in harms way, but it's such an honor to serve your country.
what i know that closest a woman gets to combat is MP any other MOS you should be fine
All Military services are respected. The Army is respected and the Marines as well. I do not know why your mother can be so judgmental. Lets hope once you make your choice of service, she will support you in your decision rather than criticize. Sounds to me like she has something against the Military, not just worried that you may join.

She enjoys her freedom because of brave people who joined the Military and did what they were trained to do and the sacrifices they and their families made.

Take care and good luck
This is a legitimate concern, I worked in 2/75 Ranger Battalion up in FT. Lewis Washington, I've been deployed twice.

Now, because of the unit I was in my advice should be taken with a grain of salt, but my experience is THIS.

You have a choice of the job you will do in the Army, THEREFOR, you can choose a job that is not directly related to combat as my job was.

You could work in supply, or you could be a medic as my sister is, but BEWARE, you could end up being a medic for a Military Police unit that does do regular patrols through Afghanistan.

Also just because you are deployed does not mean you are in any danger, these bases such as Bagrahm Air Field Afghanistan have been established for many years, attacks on such places are rare but do occur once in a blue moon. Also these places have the amenities of home, and yes I am serious, Pizza Huts and Burger Kings.

Again, this is really related to what you decide to do in the military, if you work in supply then NO, you should not be in any danger, if you work as a Cook again NO you should not be in any danger, but if you decide to become a Medic, you could possibly be assigned to a unit that does do patrols through the cities of Afghanistan.

Keep asking and think about the job you decide to do. Good luck to you.
I served with many stellar women in the Army. Granted, there were a few duds, too, but that can be said of the men I served with as well.

As an MP, I found that most of the women I served with were as dedicated as anyone else I served with, and they performed admirably.

Two of my commanders were female as well, and I had a lot of respect for them.

As far as deployment goes, you will likely get deployed overseas, and also to the Middle East.
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