Thursday, July 29, 2010

She just can't be honest about her sex past with men. Any advice?

I really need some advice here. Im struggling. I have been w my gf for almost 3 years now. She is a lesbian, I am bisexual. She has admitted she has had a lot of problems dealing w me being bi (she only dated lesbians). On top of this, she was cheated on when a gf left her for a guy. A girl who was apparently a lesbian.So she felt insecure w me. But also, tried desperately hard to relate and try and sound bisexual. Her past with men is limited but involves 3 guys (mainly friends) and no boyfriends. All sex acts w men were 'disgusting' to her.

She has exaggerated sex acts she has done w them, including pretending she did few headjobs (instead of one brief one which she found disgusting) and increasing her sex partner number.We had huge fight and she said she would not lie again.But recently she lied by originally saying she NEVER touched a guy when he wasn't wearing a condom,then saying one guy took his condom off and now she says that was a lie as she wanted to sound ';experienced';She just can't be honest about her sex past with men. Any advice?
Fighting over past sex partners is a losing game. What do you care if she is with you now? After 3 years, why does she feel like she is in a position where she has to lie to sound experienced? Is she concerned that your bi tendencies will lead you to stray? Should she be? I have been out for 32 years, and before that 'messed around' with girls, but never did the deed. Don't feel like I missed a thing. All of my long-term partners had more straight experience than me. I didn't care and didn't ask. Occasionally it came up if it was pertinent to the conversation. Leave the girl alone, it sounds like she is trying to come up with a story for you that she should not even have to go into. Enjoy what you have, don't fight over things you cannot change.She just can't be honest about her sex past with men. Any advice?
quit bugging her about it - leave her alone - what's past is past
How important is her sexual past to you? Maybe she's having trouble coming to terms with it herself. If that's all she's lying about, I'd suggest you let it go.

However, has she lied to you about other things? If she has a history of lying about different things, then I'd say she's untrustworthy.
Anything private sexual matters that happened in her life prior to your relationship are truly none of your business. Adopt a 'don't ask don't tell' attitude toward that. Don't let the past interfer with the relationship today.
Well I believed everyone had a past. Probably the past that hide was the past that she didnt want to recall it. Probably because as she said, she felt disgust ?? Well, I think future is the matter for you and her.

It wont serve any purpose if you keep digging all her past and moreover you are not too comfortable with the past.

Just do not ruin your relationship with her just because of the past.

Tell her that no more lie and no more secret in the future.

Good luck
She just can't be honest about her sex past with men. Any advice?

I really need some advice here. Im struggling. I have been w my gf for almost 3 years now. She is a lesbian, I am

bisexual........z z z z z z z z z z z z........what....what....o srry i didnt no gay people were so BORING!
Get it on videotape.
If she really loves you, let it go.
The problem doesn't sound so much like a gay problem as a lying problem. I would suggest she talk with her family doctor, psychologist or school counselor as she seems


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