Thursday, July 29, 2010

Dating Advice For Men?

I read this article on this website and was wondering if it was true or not. Here's where i read it

Here's what I don't get:

The Truth About Nice Guys

As a former self-confessed “nice guy” I figure I’m qualified to speak on this. Have you noticed that girls are generally not too interested in the nice boys, but are instead attracted to guys who lets say don’t necessarily treat them properly? Have you also noticed that the nicer you are to a particular girl, the more likely she is to treat you as a friend? Yep. Me too. Been there done that bought the t-shirt. So, why is it this way? And how can you fix it?

Well, I tend to believe it started with our parents telling us to be nice to girls. More to the point, women are attracted to guys that are a bit mysterious (ie they are NOT an open book), confident, funny and easy going. Most “nice guys” are the exact opposite. I know I was. I was very open, I was NOT at all confident with myself or in social settings. And at the time funny didn’t really mean a thing to me.

So how do we fix this? First off, do not go with the crowd. The last thing you want is to be labeled a follower. Women will see this and be turned off. Whether they admit it or not, all women look for someone who can be a leader when needed. Taking charge is very much an aphrodisiac. And this all goes back to confidence. Just be yourself and be FINE with it. Do things that will take you out of your comfort zone. In short, if the thought of doing something new (enrolling in a martial arts class for instance) gets you queasy, you are on the right track. Don’t be afraid to be passionate about what interests you. It might be different from the usual but that just adds to your personality. And personality is what will win a woman over. Not looks or money.

Once you are confident you will find that you will naturally be funny, whether its jokes or commenting on whats going on in the world. It will be natural. This will show her that you are intelligent and see what goes on around you. The point is, when you are comfortable just being you, everything else will fall into place.

Does this make senes to you?Dating Advice For Men?
Very good. Much you have learned ... In your journeys you will see nice guys getting women and it will make you wonder why these nice guys are different then others who never get any. it's cuz they have the good part of nice qualities (fun, sincere, romantic, there for her) without the bad part of being the nice guy (clingyness, being a wimp, etc.) You can distill what you said into having the good parts of the nice guy and the good parts of the bad boy (danger, excitement, fun, determined, without the bad parts like being a jerk or a hot head). This is a rough draft template but throw in what you said in your last two paragraphs and you have a complete man.


My bad, you just cut and copied his blog. What he says is true but i think it's still ok to go on dates and be somewhat nice. like i said above, have good qualities of a good guy and not the bad parts. Just have fun with the ladies, too.Dating Advice For Men?
Oh Hi There

A woman likes a man to be confident in manner and bearing, relaxed, an ability to make her laugh, ie- Dress sense, hair style, the colour of her eyes, the shoes she wears. Also jewelry, and the scent that radiates from he. This is personal interest in her.

Then we have culture issues to address.On this topic, it would be good to say do you like this sport or that sport, Then just listen, the ladies are born communicators, interject with a few Hm - Hm's, or a few Ha - Ha's to keep her talking. So she shares in the Ice Breaker!

On this starter, Do not rush these proceedings. Let her think it's all her

Idea she chose you as part of her good judgement.

The conversations will Develop between you, and the skill you have shown will pay off handsomely. Moreover when marriage is mentioned,

you show deep interest, if smitten! Or:- (I'm to young to die)

The most serious comment I can make in relationship between Man

and Woman is this: - '; The Power of the Man over Woman is his

Money'; ';The Power of the Woman over man is her Sex

Work it out. Women need man to give them babies. At home, food

and clothing and warmth, Love and care.Mostly provided by man is the money factor.


Pee - Wee

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