Thursday, July 29, 2010

MEN AND LADIES: advice pls?

how do i tone my stomach?

I'm confident with the rest of my body but my stomach is flabby.

How can i get nice abs fast?MEN AND LADIES: advice pls?
Swimming and yoga are good for this and they are a gentle excerise.MEN AND LADIES: advice pls?
Welp naturally this type of thing takes time... That is key to remember. It is always a problem the stomach... Now chances are its not going to look like the model in Cosmo. Every body type is different. So, there are a lot of things you can do to get this goal...

... First of all, you will need to change your eating a bit. If it is fast food and everything chances are it is adding to your problem area. So, cut back on your food and try to drink a lot of water. Instead of pop... Make sure you are getting meat as well... Protein.

... Then you need to find a workout that works for you... There are many that I do to help my stomach. There are crunches... Which are the cheapest and easiest thing to do. You can try to put your feet under the bottom of the couch or under something where you have no leverage for you legs. Then you can do just straight crunches with your hands to the floor and going up till they touch the couch. This is very effective for the top abs. The problem most people have are the admominals. This can be done with side crunches. Your feet in the same place, but you go to the right and then to the left with your hands behind your head. Thirty times to each side. Or sixty times back and forth. And fifty for the normal crunches. Do this and you will start to see results in a month or less...

... Just be patient and most importantly be healthy about it. It may take more time, but it is bound to look better if you go about it the right way. Just remember that you are beautiful the way you are...

Hope that helps...
one thing that works great, while watching tv or something is lying flat on your back and lifting you legs up only about a foot and holding for 10 seconds. do like 10 of those a day and you'll have the best abs! :]

hope i helped!
the problem with people today is they want something and want it now. theres no quick way to get muscular abs. u have to work at it. despite what commercials say, sit ups and crunches are still effective and are cheap to do =)
I would do like 20 sit ups or crunches a day or sumthing. Don't push urself to hard though. Good luck!! ;)

You should ';commit'; to it though.

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